Anyone who has spoken with me at any length about cinema recently will know about my deep love for the 1957 Telugu classic Maya Bazar (it’s a film that made more than one appearance in the Mahabharata course last year; if we had had enough time, Karthika Nair and I would happily have shown multiple scenes from it just because we wanted to re-watch them). I have also crushed on Savitri’s performance as Sasirekha (Vatsala in the Tamil version which was shot simultaneously) – both she and Maya Bazar were icons of Telugu/Tamil cinema for decades, but they weren’t part of my cultural education while I was growing up, and I discovered them relatively late.
A couple of days ago I got around to watching the 2018 Mahanati, a dramatisation of Savitri’s life, with Keerthy Suresh in the lead and Dulquer Salmaan as Gemini Ganesan. I liked the film a lot – though there must be many nuances that I missed, and I’m not really in a position to say how “authentic” the narrative is. ***

This being among my favourite scenes in Maya Bazar, I enjoyed that Mahanati had paid a full-fledged tribute to it. But I couldn’t help wondering if it was the right decision from an actor’s point of view. For most of Mahanati, Keerthy Suresh is very good as Savitri (or rather, as the Savitri constructed by the film) – but in a studiously recreated scene like this, she is required to be more mimic than actor. In the original Maya Bazar scene, Savitri had the freedom to build her mannerisms and gestures from the inside-out, and it came across as joyful and spontaneous; the Mahanati version feels more schematic; one is uncomfortably aware that Keerthy has the onus of faithfully copying Savitri’s legendary act. And game though she is, if you have the original scene at hand and you know that the new scene
is meant to be a facsimile, a few little things won’t seem right: in a movement here, or an expression there, Keerthy comes across as more cerebral, more controlled than Savitri did in the original. (It was just a teeny bit like watching Sridevi dance to “Jumma Chumma” at that 1990 Wembley concert and thinking how different it was from the uninhibited energy of Kimi Katkar’s performance in the original.)

It also struck me while watching this Mahanati scene that though so many films have been made about the making of earlier films (especially in the past two or three decades when cinema has been mining its own history with relish), it is still rare to see a recreation of this sort. The wiser move seems to be to try to capture the spirit or general tone of a character/scene rather than to do a straight imitation with the exact same camera angles and set design.

*** P.S. About authenticity in the Mahanati narrative. One thing I realised was off: the film’s implication that Gemini Ganesan was so wholeheartedly in love with Savitri that at least for the first few years of their marriage his attention was focused completely on her. In reality, Gemini’s extra-marital relationship with Pushpavalli was very much in high tide around the same time that he married Savitri in 1952: Gemini and Pushpavalli’s daughter, later famous as the actress Rekha, was born in October 1954.

(ANR was one of the superstars of Telugu cinema, but until a few years ago I knew nothing about him. Back then, the only way the inside reference in this scene would have made sense to me was if someone had told me that Nagarjuna’s son is playing Nagarjuna’s father.)

[A post about Maya Bazar is here]
Helena Bonham Carter playing Hermione playing Bellatrix Lestrange was pretty good
ReplyDeleteAh, interesting. I had to Google to confirm that that was a Harry Potter reference - still haven't entered that world. Yes, it sounds like a mimicry-scene to compare with the ones I'm talking about here...
DeleteFor people who know MGR movies, perhaps some of the scenes (mostly songs) in Iruvar were such recreations (i.e. Mohanlal playing MGR playing some famous character in one of his movies).
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Ed Wood must've had many such scenes, although I saw it so many years ago that I don't remember any specifics myself.
Does Face/Off count? In the beginning you have JT mimicking how NC plays his character in the rest of the movie (and vice versa).
Rahul: yes, Ed Wood did have a few such scenes. Iruvar I'm not so sure about, since it wasn't a straight biopic with explicit references to real films - but yes, there were probably a few scenes that were close enough.
DeleteIf you are a Savitri fan you should then watch this song from a movie called Navaratri:
ReplyDeleteBoth Sivaji Ganesan and Savitri started out as stage performers and the sheer fun they have when playing out this song is something that I return to over and over again
Thanks! Most enjoyable, though I obviously didn't get much of the context. And I need to watch some of Sivaji Ganesan's work.
DeleteI don't know how familiar you are with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For whoever unfamiliar with the movies, Chris Evans plays the righteous Captain America and Tom Hiddleston plays the trickster Loki. Loki is the norse God of mischief with impersonation powers. There is a tiny bit where Loki turns into Captain America and mocks him. It is amazing how well Chris Evans plays Tom Hiddleston's version of Loki impersonating Captain America.