Thursday, April 15, 2010

BlogAdda interview

The chaps at BlogAdda sent across a few questions and I obediently answered them. Questions like "What's your favourite movie/book/colour?" make me freeze, but I've tried not to be too much of a party-pooper, and have even given rambling answers to some of the other questions. Enjoyed doing this on the whole. Here's the full interview.


  1. Nice one :)
    Brought a smile on my face, this morning. Have always liked your sense of humor.

    Been an old time reader of your blog. We did interact once briefly w.r.t. Salman's performance in 'Jaaneman'.

    Hey was funny to see them refer to you as one of the earliest bloggers in Sept 2004. Gosh, I was blogging a lot earlier than that!! Though not the same quality. :)

    Cheers and enjoy writing.
    Am envious of you that way. I hate my day job :)

  2. Sep 2004 eh? That makes my more or less defunct blog a few months older than yours!

    I sure do owe a lot to this blog. It was on this blog that I first heard names like Hitchcock, Ford and Grant!

    Most film buffs pick up the habit early. In my case, I started watching movies in college barely three years ago. My curiosity in the art form was largely stimulated by this blog! Thanks for writing :)

  3. Krishna, Banno: thanks!

    It was on this blog that I first heard names like Hitchcock, Ford and Grant!

    Shrikanth: flabbergasted to hear this. The breadth of your knowledge about Old Hollywood is so vast, I always figured that you had been watching those films for at least as long as I have! I guess you must have done a huge amount of movie-viewing in the past 3-4 years then.

  4. Jai: yeah. Even I can scarcely believe the amount of films I've seen in the past 3 years. But the internet (especially imdb and blogs like this one) sure does steepen the learning curve. In the absence of the net, it will take perhaps a decade of indiscriminate watching to acquire a well rounded taste.

    That's where the IMDB is so very useful. Notwithstanding all its flaws, the wisdom of the crowds (as represented by the rating) invariably helps separate the wheat from the chaff. Yes, there's the odd masterpiece with a low rating of 6. But those are the exceptions rather than the rule.

  5. So. You are a Nadal enthusiast, are you not? Happy?

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  7. These guys take the recyle/reuse mantra a lil too seriously. i have come across nearly the same set of questions to sidin and the compulsive confessor. i mean, why must u guys be grilled abt the routine '10 ways to make your blog popular', 'what are your views abt indian media', yada yada. Still, they didnt ask you for your views on IWIE. Guess that counts for something.
    Thx a lot for recommending the other bloggers.
