A white Pomeranian named Fluffy flew out of a fifth-floor window in Panna, which was a brand-new building with the painter’s scaffolding still around it. Fluffy screamed in her little lap-dog voice all the way down, like a little white kettle losing steam, bounced off the bonnet of a Cielo and skidded to a halt near the rank of schoolgirls waiting for the St Mary’s Convent bus.Tch, poor little Fluffy. But what a great start to a book! Move over, 'Call me Ishmael'. I’ll probably start reading this one sometime over the weekend.
Also, this reminds me that a couple of months ago my mom asked if I would put up a picture of her Pomeranian on my site. Thematically speaking this is as good a time as any to do it, so here goes:

What's that suspicious-looking yellow thingy near Pommy's forelegs? Is it, could it be...??
ReplyDelete...How come you managed to get the new Vikram Chandra? Wherefrom? Even I would like to buy a copy...
ReplyDeleteDefenestration is a fairly common way for Bombay high-rise residents to dispose of unwanted dogs. But it's usual to put them in a sack first - else the muni safai karmacharis complain about cleaning up the mess.
Defenestration doesn't always work for dogs: see here..
ReplyDeleteThe comment by the Marauder's Map would have been made more appropriately by Sex and the City - and vicer versa
ReplyDeleteLooks more like a Spitz. a mix, probably.