Some of these were among my favourite movies when I was just discovering non-Hindi cinema. One quality they shared with Bollywood was that their "plots" were driven purely by convenience and the need to set up one paisa vasool scene after another; logic was never allowed to stick its foot in the door. Also, for all that these films involved people battling terrible calamities, there was always a reassuring cosiness about them, which was very appealing to a young viewer. Most of them featured ensemble casts (including a number of familiar character actors) and much of the pleasure came from watching these people strategising, bickering about

Some of the more recent disaster films (Armageddon, Deep Impact, The Day After Tomorrow) have been extremely watchable, but they haven't had the same charm – they've usually been more concerned with showing off spectacular special effects – and so I didn't expect much of the new Poseidon. On the whole I was pleasantly surprised. This is partly a homage to the disarming simplicity of the original, but it's also a surprisingly gripping film in its own right.

This leads to a series of harrowing adventures where the characters get a chance to play out (or transcend) their basic natures, make unexpected displays of heroism and romantic pronouncements. (Note to viewers unfamiliar with the requirements of this genre: don't expect to understand every plot detail. You don't need to know your starboard from your port, or the precise location of every escape hatch. This film must be appreciated on a sequence-by-sequence basis - where do these guys need to get next, what are the possible obstacles in their way and how will they overcome them?) Petersen, aided by reasonably competent actors, does a good job of maintaining tension most of the way through. And thankfully he doesn't depend too much on fancy special effects, though there are a few spectacular shots (not least the giant wave right at the beginning, which had me thinking of Herman Melville's observation that we're all still on Noah's Ark – since two-thirds of the planet is covered by water).
Best of all, Poseidon has the ending I was eagerly waiting for. Our heroes have escaped the sinking leviathan, clambered safely onto lifeboats and succeeded in attracting rescue helicopters, and now we're pumping our fists along with them. Never mind the thousand others who have just gone down with the ship.
P.S. I’ve been accused of giggling my way through much of the film, but in my defence it was mainly nervous giggling - except for the time near the end when the characters had almost made it to the top (read bottom) of the ship and I imagined another giant wave suddenly appearing and turning the thing the right way up again.
Nice article but p.s. sounds like the last paragraph from Roger Ebert's review of Poseidon.
ReplyDeleteTo quote:
"..In the proper hands, this could have been a sequel to "Airplane!" named "Ocean Liner!" in which once the characters battle their way to the top (i.e., bottom) of the overturned ship, a second wave flips it again, and they have to retrace their steps."
I guess you had "internalized" Roger's review ;-)
(I hope you don't mind me saying so)
Shailesh: I honestly hadn't read Ebert's review before writing this (the review went up on only today I think, because I hadn't seen it as of yesterday). If I had read it, there's no way I would have written that last para - there's no question of "internalizing" and reproducing something that you've read only a few hours before :)
ReplyDeleteSorry about that. I should've known better. If it is any consolation, I read your Blog regularly and think its very good.
ReplyDeleteHey no problem, I would’ve come to the same conclusion if I’d seen the two write-ups.
ReplyDeleteMuch as I'd like to put this down to "great minds think alike", I suspect it has more to do with "if a million evolved monkeys bang away at a million keybards, there are bound to be similarities in the results"!
Maybe a spolier alert might have helped. I'm going to see the film and would have liked to enjoy it without knowing of the ending beforehand. Grrrr!
ReplyDeleteAre you serious, dude? There's only one way a film like this can possibly end. Besides, I haven’t revealed the details of who survives and who doesn' enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI guess you'd have needed a spoiler alert if they hadn't survived, but one cant really expect a disastrous ending from a hollywood flick, even if it is a movie based on a disaster. Since you probably know better, maybe you could do a post on disaster movies that had an unhappy ending.
ReplyDeleteMan, do I miss those '70s flicks ... and I sure wish Wolfgang Petersen could just leave them be .. his attempted remake is just a very boring dud from start to finish