Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Just key in your query

Have come across what is so far the longest Google search entry to have led someone to this blog. It goes:

“i just want to play a hindi song kal ho na ho in my piano and i am having 31 keys please show me the number keys to play”

Cho Chweet. Just like a little boy staring up into the chimney, hands clasped together, asking Santa for a toy car with at least 30 cc more horsepower than the one his best friend has. (Now don’t ask me where I got that image from!)

Share your longest Google searches, people.


  1. "All Bollywood male celebrities between 25 and 50 having diabetes". He /she/it was pretty disappointed after 10 pageviews and 1 hour on my blog...and then there was this student doing PhD, who knew exactly what he was looking for : "A debatable discussion on cell phone etiquettes of Indians and their culture-wise differences".

    Some people can be so funny.

  2. Owee, puttarr-eh! Give it a break! (But seriously ... 'Kal ho na ho'?!)


  3. "A debatable discussion on cell phone etiquettes of Indians and their culture-wise differences".

    Hoo boy, that is precise. Here's a new one on mine:

    "animation of Indian Politician pleasing people"

    Hmm, pleasing people HOW I wonder...

  4. Haha. No long ones here. Just "Karishma Kapoor baby pictures/photos"

    I get about six of these everyday since April.

  5. and I got 'Roshni Chopra pics' leading them to mine - not long but, so many times, i thought I'd mention it

  6. My longest was "an ultra condensed version of the cask of amontillado", which came (twice) due to a combination of two references on my blog.

    The weirdest was "aishwarya day yes married really abhishek 2005". God knows what that one was thinking.

    Yours is by far the best.

  7. ok, but how do you find this? how do ou find which google search led ot your blog?

  8. new blog - so not many. But I think the longest is "kajrare aishwarya music download".

    Ironic, innit?

    (Will check old blog later. That had some hilarious ones)

  9. LOL that's interesting! Hmm, after a quick check of mine - in my tracker's recent history, the longest is: "Kirori Mal College vice principal and dress code". But the one that had me really kicked was: "pics of girls with skimpy clothes on". Must have been REALLY disappointed :-)

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