Thursday, February 17, 2005


At last! Lit journalist par excellence Nilanjana S Roy has finally ended the shrinking violet routine and started a blog in her own name (wink wink), where she'll post her writings: the reviews she's done for many publications over the years, her excellent weekly column in the Business Standard - Speaking Volumes, now in its 10th year - and hopefully much else. For anyone who doesn't know NSR, she's one of the most dedicated books journos in the country and a better writer than most of the people she writes about.

She's also a friend, and many who read this blog will know that, so I don't want to overdo the fawning and turn this into a Shameless Plug (or a mutual admiration society, since I see Nilanjana has already linked to one of my posts on her blog). Much better that you see her writings for yourselves.

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting Akhond of Swat.

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